Jamur – Zoysia

Jamur Turf raises the bar for warm season turfgrasses

Jamur - Zoysia

Jamur Zoysia is a medium textured zoysiagrass with a distinctive blue-green color unlike any other zoysia. Jamur produces a very lush, dense turf and offers an unusually rapid recovery rate from traffic. Jamur is ideal for any turf project where you want to be noticed. Jamur is extremely wear and drought tolerant and possesses much better cold, insect and disease tolerances than the older zoysia varieties. If you are a fan of zoysia, but you insist on greater quality and characteristics, you will want to be a part of the Jamur revolution.

Jamur Zoysia For Your Landscape

If you enjoy the feel of Palisade zoysia but dislike the lime green look, then you will like Jamur. With its’ medium blade width and blue-green color, Jamur is the improvement in zoysia that our clients have been waiting for. While Jamur is impressively wear tolerant, you will love the look of it even more.

If your landscape plan is to provide unparalleled beauty and reduce maintenance, then Jamur will be the perfect centerpiece for your landscape creation.

Jamur Zoysia For Golf

From your aprons and bunker faces to the front lawn of the clubhouse, Jamur is a zoysia that our golf clients have fallen in love with.

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Jamur is a very durable grass and provides great recovery from cart and foot traffic. The recovery rate on Jamur is nearly half the time when compared to the older zoysias, which means increased usability of valuable surface area with a reduction in high intensity management practices.

Jamur is a golf course superintendent’s answer to durability, natural aesthetic appeal, contrasting, and most of all, ease of use.

  • Natural Blue-Green Color
  • Medium Texture
  • High Density Turf Establishment
  • Fair Wear Tolerance
  • Fair Heat / Drought Tolerance
  • Lower Maintenance
  • Moderate Shade Tolerance
  • High Sun Tolerance
  • High Disease and Pest Tolerance