Density – Buffalo

Density Buffalograss is a native North American turfgrass.

Density - Buffalo

Density Buffalograss is a native North American turfgrass. It has a fine, thin blade with an attractive green color. Unlike other buffalograss varieties, Density® is disease and pest resistant. It grows well in many different types of soil, in high soil pH and in humid climates. Density can be installed as dormant sod in winter months.


Density cannot be grown from seed. Sod is the best way for instant beauty and a lush yard. Water the sod as you lay it. Do not wait until you are finished to water it. It will take about two to three weeks for complete establishment.


Recommended mowing height is 1 ½ - 4 inches. Annual nitrogen rate is two to three pounds per 1000 square feet in split applications. The first application should be three weeks after greenup in the spring. The second application should be eight weeks after the initial application. In periods of drought soak with one inch of water to keep green.

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